Emotional Economics
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The Mechanics of the Value Hierarchy – what it means based on resources

So you get the Value Hierarchy now

  • how to add things
  • how to rate things
  • and how to evaluate them

In this Lesson,

  • Learn what to do as your Value Hierarchy changes due to STEM
  • How to account for bias in every practice
  • Why the dollar means nothing, and your state means more.

The truth is, in any moment, you can only be in one of two states: love or fear.

If you’re experiencing an unconscious Money Story that adds a negative weight on your vision, you’re likely in fear. If you’re consciously expanding to envelop more of what you want? That’s love.

Unfortunately, these states don’t care what you have to deal with – you Wallet Triggers, or what you have available. You have a responsibility to honor the future you’re making for yourself, but also have a responsibility to deal with the commitments of the past.

And which story to choose? You can subscribe to one or the other.

  • You could be feeling incredibly abundant, but only have $10.
  • You could also be feeling incredibly limited and have a lot more cash.

Usually, a Money Story starts one of two ways something like this:

  • you’re feeling unlimited in 3d, so you feel that you can have/do/buy anything. After all, if you’ve got a lot, right?
  • you’re feeling incredibly limited in 3d, so you can do nothing, because you’ve gotta conserve it all to make the best choice, right?

So what’s the value of a dollar

But what’s the value of $10 when you have $500?

What about when you have $50? Is the dollar more or less valuable?

The value of that $10 goes up as you have less.

This very same mechanic is why people have the end of the day rush – the value of time goes up, the lack of satisfaction as the bank account gets lower – the value of money goes up, the sacrifice of values for fast food when hungry – the , or dissatisfying biases.

And when those people have less, they promise they’ll never do it again. It hurts. When there’s more, we’re relieved, and biased as hell.

This is why we need the value hierarchy

In order to avoid this our decisions should always compound.

Here’s how:

  • we should be paying mind to the most important stuff first, even if the difference between the most important and the next most important is small
  • this guarantees that the amount we contribute to the most important stuff is always higher than the amount we contribute to anything else

By following those rules, we create compound interest on satisfying our future vision.

This also means that if we change our focus often, we are changing our Value Hierarchy, since the feelings we experience are always tied to a goal.

In an abridged form

  • we should always be paying mind to the most important stuff
  • often, it’s overwhelming, but now it’s not with the Value Hierarchy which abbreviates your story, values, and desires
  • the degree to which we should pay mind is determined by the width of a triangle
  • if we change focus, this “pointed arrow” (story visual) changes, and we have to recalibrate.