This will be a short lesson – simply a demonstration of the simplest use of the value hierarchy.
We now have a model that represents what we value – a highly condensed form of all of the possible story that may come about with the associated emotions. We have a story/values/constructs that apply to the things you want: expenses, desires, etc, and we have a context where all of these things can be consolidated.
We’ll be looking at each item in a given context, rating it using this feeling scale, then positioning it on the Value Hierarchy.
First, let’s gather the items you wish to use. Remember context. We need items from the same context.. This can be any set of items from a bucket or all items from all buckets – quantity doesn’t matter (FINALLY!). Ideally it would be things within an existing bucket, just to keep things tidy, but they don’t have to be.
Second, consider your Bias Blueprint (note that both examples below have the same thing set as the goal, it’s just about the story we choose.)
Third, and finally, let’s place the items. We will use your 1-10 scale to place items on this hierarchy – 1 is the bottom of the pyramid: baseline needs and 10 is the top of the pyramid: enlightenment. Choose where each item goes. If you’re torn, break the item down into aspects and place each aspect.
Now that you’ve placed items in the hierarchy, does your mind suggest anything about the relationship between all of these things automatically?
Don’t worry if not, we’ll be getting into that shortly.